Thursday 15 September 2011

a dedication to those that deserve it.

Wrecklessly driven, the enormous metal bird stumbled unusually low across the uncertain blue sky. The atmosphere was far from innocent;
something curious and unforgiving rippled through the streets of New York. The average buisnessman stopped cold in his uninteruppible brisk
walk, sensing the air of helpless desperation he wintnessed from above. The entire city halted for one moment, one tiny moment that will never be forgotten;
the moment that will haunt thousands of people. The moment in history that radiates heartbreak; for the terror many people experienced will linger on

Symobolising power, two identical buildings stood next to one another - stern and beautiful. Within the walls, thousands of stories lived and worked.
Each being held an inspiration, held feelings of love and passion, held a life so precious that mere words could not begin to describe them... for they
were as complex as every atom that glued themselves into the jigsaw that is humanity.